City Of York Council

Committee Minutes


Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee


6 September 2021


Councillors Crawshaw (Chair), Hollyer, Daubeney (Substitute), Musson, Norman, Pearson, Rowley, Wann (Substitute) and Orrell (Substitute)


Councillors Baker, Fenton, Hook


The Chair of the Committee raised concerns about the use of substitutes on the Committee which gave the Liberal Democrats Party a majority at the meeting despite their not having a majority on the Council. The Chair of the Committee stated that this made him feel uncomfortable chairing the meeting as he believed the make up of the committee was contrary to the spirit and purpose of the legislation relating to proportionality as it did not reflect the political make up of the Council. He therefore felt it could be considered unlawful. The Chair of the Committee took an adjournment, against the wishes of at least one councillor, to discuss the attendance of an additional Lib Dem in place of a Green.


When the meeting recommenced the Monitoring Officer outlined that the council is in receipt of independent legal advice which supports the position adopted at Annual Council. She stated that as far as she is concerned the seat is allocated to the Green Group and that Cllr Baker had sent her apologies and asked for a substitute. The Monitoring Officer stated that Cllr Wann is Cllr Baker’s approved substitute and that Cllr Baker is entitled to ask any member of council to act as a substitute in her position. 


She also outlined that the Committee could not change its appointed Members and selected substitutes as such matters were reserved to Full Council. The Monitoring Officer reminded all attendees at the Committee that membership of scrutiny requires political impartiality and advised Members of the advice contained with the Constitution at Section 2 Article 6 paragraph 2.


The Chair of the Committee noted that he considered the meeting to not be lawful as the Council’s legal advice twice specifically makes clear that there is an alternate opinion which regards drawing a distinction between allocations and appointments as being contrary to the purpose of the legislation. He said he felt he had no choice but to withdraw from the meeting and left the meeting whilst the Monitoring Officer was providing advice to the Committee. Councillors Musson, Norman, and Rowley also raised their concerns about the current make-up of the Committee. Councillors Musson, and Norman also left the meeting while Councillor Rowley noted that he would remain in the meeting, however, he would only abstain on items for the duration of the meeting.


The Committee were therefore asked to elect a new Chair of the meeting, Councillor Pearson proposed himself as Chair and seconded by Councillor Orrell.


A vote was taken to make Councillor Pearson the Chair of this meeting of the Committee, with the following results: 5 Members voted the deferral. 0 Members voted against. 1 Member abstained.


Councillor Pearson noted his disappointment with the actions of the members who had chosen to leave the meeting and would therefore be unable to participate in discussion on the items on the agenda.



14.         Declarations of Interest


At this point in the meeting, the Chair invited Members to

declare any personal, pecuniary or prejudicial interests, which

they had not already included in their standing register of

interests. None were declared.




15.         Minutes


It was proposed that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2021 be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee, this was due to a minimum quoracy of Members who had attended the last meeting not being present to sign the minutes.


A vote was taken on the proposal to defer the minutes, with the following result:

5 Members voted the deferral. 

0 Members voted against.

1 Member abstained.




                   i.        That the minutes of the meeting held on 2021 be deferred to the meeting of Committee on the 10 November 2021.


Reason:    To ensure the minutes can be signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.




16.         Public Participation


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at

the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.





17.         Public Health Update With Long Covid Modelling


Members received a presentation covering a Public Health Update and Long Covid Modelling. Members raised questions about vaccine take up disparities and whether there continued to be a disparity between wards, officers confirmed that take up continued not to be equal across wards. Officers outlined that there was not an issue in accessing vaccines across York but that some individuals had chosen not to come forward for a vaccine. Members enquired about what public health could do to encourage take up and it was confirmed that the Council was aiming to ensure everyone has the correct information about Covid-19 and the Vaccine to ensure they can decide whether or not to be vaccinated.


The Committee enquired about young people and children receiving the vaccine, officers confirmed that 16-17 year olds had a surge in vaccination take up when made available but that this had dropped off. It was confirmed that further work would be undertaken to encourage take up in this age group. In reference to under 16’s officers noted that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation had recommended against vaccines for 12-15, however, Government would consider further before a decision was taken. It was confirmed that preparations had been made if required, but it was noted that system capacity would be a factor as the seasonal flu vaccination was also required to be delivered.


The Committee agreed to resolve the below with one abstention.




                      i.       That the Public Health Update with Long Covid Modelling update be noted.


Reason:     To keep the Committee informed of the impact of the

pandemic across the city.




18.         2021/22 Finance and Performance Monitor 1


Officers introduced the Finance and Performance Monitor noting it was the first report of the year which had also been considered by Executive on 26 August 2021. Pressures on Adults and Children’s Social Care were highlighted and while not exclusive to York they presented a financial challenge to the Council and that it was prudent for the Council to plan to mitigate costs.


Members enquired about the cost of Covid-19 and what the difference was between additional financial support to deal with issues linked to Covid-19 and the actual cost to the Council. It was confirmed that this data was not available but would be shared with the Committee once available.  


The Committee agreed to resolve the below with one abstention.




                      i.       Noted the finance and performance information and the actions needed to manage the financial position.


Reason:     To ensure expenditure is kept within the approved budget.




19.         Update on Monitoring and Tracking of Approved Council Motions


Members considered the update report on monitoring motions approved at Council and the proposal of 6 monthly updates to the Committee.


The Committee agreed to resolve the below with one abstention.




                      i.       That a bi-annual report should be presented to this Committee, on approved Council motions.


Reason:     In order to ensure that processes for monitoring and implementing approved Council motions resolutions are sufficiently robust.




20.         Schedule of Petitions


Officers noted that regular reporting on the Council’s schedule of petitions had come to the Committee prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and that more regular updates were recommended to be brought back to the Committee. 


The Committee agreed to resolve the below with one abstention.




                      i.       That regular updates on the Schedule of Petitions be added to the Committee work plan.



Reason:     To ensure the Committee carries out its requirements in relation to petitions.




21.         Work Plan 2021/22


The Committee work plan was considered and it was noted that the Committee was required to consider the Annual Complaints Report and agreed to consider the item in October and they considered and agreed to consider the Monitor of Motions in November.


The Committee agreed to resolve the below with one abstention.




                      i.       That Annual Complaints Report be added to the October meeting of the Committee;

                     ii.       That the Monitor of Motions be added to the November meeting of the Committee;

                    iii.       Noted the Committee Work Plan.


Reason:     To ensure the Committee continue to have a

plan of work for 2021/22.









Councillor E Pearson, Chair

[The meeting started at 5.33 pm and finished at 6.55 pm].





















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